Android Canvas Gradient -
i try draw on android canvas, , have qwestions....
1)why shaders result have white , black? there no colors...
2)how set color more 2 points (x,y)?
3)where can find examples show simple combinations of usege?
shader1 = new lineargradient(0, 0, 0,barheight,0xff696969 ,0xffffffff, shader.tilemode.clamp); shader2 = new lineargradient(barheight/2, barheight/2, 0,34,0xf0696969 ,0xfff34f5f, shader.tilemode.clamp); composeshader mshader = new composeshader(shader2, shader1, porterduff.mode.multiply); graundpaint.setshader(mshader); canvas.drawroundrect(rectf, 0, 0, graundpaint);
you can set more 2 points using this constructor of lineargradient, takes array of colors , corresponding array of positions (between 0 , 1).
for simple example using lineargradient, may here.
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