how to update an element in an array searched by 'where' in 'postgresql'? -
create table tlps ( id integer not null, telephone telephone[], constraint tlps_pkey primary key (id) ) create type telephone (phone_code integer, number character varying(9) )
i want update telephone 666666666 in telephone[] 600000000
use array_replace()
insert tlps values (1, array['123456789', '666666666']); update tlps set telephone = array_replace(telephone, '666666666', '600000000') id = 1; select * tlps; id | telephone ----+----------------------- 1 | {123456789,600000000} (1 row)
case - column telephone
of composite type:
create type telephone (phone_code integer, number character varying(9)); insert tlps values (1, array[(1,'123456789'), (2,'666666666')]::telephone[]);
simple update phone (2, '666666666')
phone (2, '600000000')
given id
update tlps set telephone = array_replace(telephone, (2,'666666666')::telephone, (2,'600000000')::telephone) id = 1;
find phone number '123456789'
, replace '111222333'
(we not know phone_code
nor id
with sel ( select id, u.phone_code tlps, unnest(telephone) u u.number = '123456789' ) update tlps t set telephone = array_replace(telephone, (phone_code,'123456789')::telephone, (phone_code,'111222333')::telephone) sel s =;
btw, don't idea of storing phone numbers in such complicated structure , don't know invented for.
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