php - Indexing in the CSV file -
i have csv file indexing 1,2,3 if record 1 contain category xyz 2 contain abc , 3 contain tyu goes well.when subcategories added of xyz index 4 added below 1 , indexing goes 1,4,2,3 whereas want 1,2,3,4.i have used following way:
$filepointer = fopen($category_filename_with_path, 'w') or error('ggg'); foreach($all_category_data_new $updated_data) { fputcsv($filepointer,$updated_data); }
opening file in appending mode not working.sample format of csv :
62,inspirational||inspirational,1,n,,fande 64,dog$house||doghouse,1,n,,fande 65,doghouse||doghouse,1,n,,fande 66,testauthor||testauthor,1,n,,fande
thanx in advance
put ksort($all_category_data_new);
before foreach solve problem, if want sort keys, independent values array_values($all_category_data_new);
solve problem more efficiently.
updated : please add ksort following.
$filepointer = fopen($category_filename_with_path, 'w') or error('ggg'); ksort($all_category_data_new); foreach($all_category_data_new $updated_data) { fputcsv($filepointer,$updated_data); }
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