How to save the result of a MS-Access select query in variables in -
my question simple don't know how query is:
" select * table1 id =" + textbox1.text;
and want save result in variables table of query has 5 columns means want 5 variables save results don't know how can database in ms-access
firstly need know, how make oledbconnection in c#.
you don't need create variables!. can directly assign rows or selected 1 one of many datacontrols available in , winforms both.
datacontrols automatically show db.table data in tabular layout on page or form. can control of automatically created layout.
you can fetch data db , create dataset this:
string query = "select * table1 id=?"; oledbconnection odc = new oledbconnection(strconn);; oledbdataadapter dadapter = new oledbdataadapter(); oledbcommand cmd = new oledbcommand(query,odc); cmd.parameters.add("?", oledbtype.bstr, 5).value ="asdf"; dadapter.selectcommand = cmd; ds = new dataset(); dadapter.fill(ds); datagridview1.datasource = ds.tables[0];
now in above code, strconn
connectionstring access db file. every kind of storage requires unique kind of connectionstring. can find out 1 suitable here.
once clear that. need learn datacontrols , winforms datagridview , many others.
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