java - Oracle cursor not returning the complete resultset -

this post in continuation problem solved generating dynamic sql. for loop inside cursor oracle

below pl/sql executing generates dynamic sql looping through type created mentioned in post above.

procedure p_xxx_xx(     p_id_i in varchar2,     p_error_code_o out varchar2,     p_error_message_o out varchar2,     pcur_xxx out sys_refcursor )     l_array siebel.intl_crm.t_array;   strselect_statement  varchar2(20000);   begin   l_array := f_split_string(p_company_id_i);      strselect_statement :=      'select contact.row_id contact_id,          contact.fst_name contact_first_name,          contact.last_name contact_last_name,         contact.cell_ph_num cell_phone,         contact.email_addr email_address,         party.party_id company_id,         addr.addr address_line_1,         addr.addr_line_2 address_line_2,         addr.addr_line_3 address_line_3,,         addr.state state_province,         addr.zipcode,,         null raw_most_recent_activity_dt,       contact.work_ph_num work_phone,       contact.alt_email_addr alternate_email,       contact.x_preferred_phone preferred_phone,       contact.x_preferred_email preferred_email,       contact.suppress_email_flg email_flag,       contact.fax_ph_num fax_phone,        null most_recent_activity_dt,        null mra_company_id,        null mra_company_name,       null accnt_val_cd       s_party_per party        join s_contact contact        on party.person_id = contact.row_id        left join siebel.s_addr_per addr       on contact.pr_per_addr_id = addr.row_id       party.reference_type_cd ='''||'current employee'        ||'''and upper(trim(contact.cust_stat_cd)) ='''||'current'        ||'''and party.party_id in (';       in l_array.first .. l_array.last loop       strselect_statement := strselect_statement ||                              '''' || l_array(i) || ''',';       end loop;       -- rid of unwanted trailing comma       strselect_statement := substr(strselect_statement, 1,                                   length(strselect_statement)-1);            -- add right parentheses close in list       strselect_statement := strselect_statement || ')';       dbms_output.put_line('query: '||strselect_statement);       -- open cursor       open pcur_company_contacts_new strselect_statement;     p_error_code_o     := sqlcode;     p_error_message_o  := sqlerrm;   end p_company_contact_new; 

below sql generated after looping through array

    select contact.row_id contact_id,              contact.fst_name contact_first_name,              contact.last_name contact_last_name,             contact.cell_ph_num cell_phone,             contact.email_addr email_address,             party.party_id company_id,             addr.addr address_line_1,             addr.addr_line_2 address_line_2,             addr.addr_line_3 address_line_3,   ,             addr.state state_province,             addr.zipcode,   ,             null raw_most_recent_activity_dt,           contact.work_ph_num work_phone,           contact.alt_email_addr alternate_email,           contact.x_preferred_phone preferred_phone,           contact.x_preferred_email preferred_email,           contact.suppress_email_flg email_flag,           contact.fax_ph_num fax_phone,            null most_recent_activity_dt,            null mra_company_id,            null mra_company_name,           null accnt_val_cd           s_party_per party            join s_contact contact            on party.person_id = contact.row_id            left join siebel.s_addr_per addr           on contact.pr_per_addr_id = addr.row_id           party.reference_type_cd ='current employee'and upper(trim(contact.cust_stat_cd)) ='current'and party.party_id in ('3-9ttcj2','1-19g1tz','1-b3-4924','1-b1-2288','1-160jf','1-1qff2l', '1-az-1282','1-b5-2052','1-ujhq9','3-c75csw','3-c7gdyr',); 

when run generated sql in editor, fetches resultset id's passed. when run pl/sql block, returns portion of resultset not complete set. calling procedure java , when test ids separately, see data in database. guessing issue returning cursor. did face similar kind of issue?

thanks in advance!


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