.net - Make popup on all window -

is possible make popup on window?

previously had grid zindex = 1000 (size of grid page/screen) displayed on others elements. when i've added popup page should under grid, wasn't, thought make popup grid.

<popup isopen="{binding relativesource={relativesource findancestor, ancestortype={x:type usercontrol}}, path=isloading, mode=oneway}" allowstransparency="true" placement="absolute" popupanimation="fade" verticalalignment="stretch" horizontalalignment="stretch" focusable="false">     <grid panel.zindex="1000" background="#a5000000" horizontalalignment="stretch"       visibility="{binding relativesource={relativesource findancestor, ancestortype={x:type usercontrol}}, path=isloading, mode=oneway, converter={staticresource booltovis}}">         </grid>         ...     </grid> </popup> 

this have now. popup "limited" rectangle in top left corner (limited in size).

set height , width popup using this.

height="{binding actualheight,elementname=rootgrid}" width="{binding actualwidth,elementname=rootgrid}" 


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