Ruby On Rails Rolify + CanCanCan + Devise allow user to edit only their posts -
i have built ruby on rails
application using devise + cancancan + rolify tutorial.
here ability
class ability include cancan::ability def initialize(user) user ||= # guest user (not logged in) if user.has_role? :admin can :manage, :all else can :read, :all end end end
i want allow user edit own posts, , read posts others.
how achieve that?
you need pass user_id
hash conditions
#app/models/ability.rb class ability include cancan::ability def initialize(user) user ||= # guest user (not logged in) if user.has_role? :admin can :manage, :all else can :manage, post, user_id: #-> crud own posts can :read, :all #-> read end end end
this allow use:
#app/views/posts/index.html.erb <%= render @posts %> #app/views/posts/_post.html.erb <% if can? :read, post %> <%= post.body %> <%= link_to "edit", edit_post_path(post), if can? :edit, post %> <% end %>
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