excel - Variables inside formulas appearing with quotes -

i trying insert 2 variables formula. altough appearing inside quotes.

fase1 = cells(2, diffdate_ac + 4).address(rowabsolute:=false, columnabsolute:=false) prod1 = cells(4, diffdate_ac + 4).address(rowabsolute:=false, columnabsolute:=false) 

fase1 refers ag2 , prod1 ag4.

range("b3").formula = "=sum((sumifs(ben_quant,ben_dia,r[-1]c,ben_fase, " & fase1 & ",ben_linha," & prod1 & ")) 

it part of formula. " & fase 1 & " giving me 'ag2', , " & prod 1 & " returning 'ag4'. yes, both inside quotes inside formula image shows:

enter image description here

i want remove single quotes, because way formula not referring cells.

the complete part of code of command

'prints array of dates dim startac2 long, finishac2 long dim datearray3 variant, y long  finishac2 = clng(datevalue(lastac)) startac2 = clng(datevalue(firstac))     redim datearray3(finishac2 - startac2 + 1)      y = 0 finishac2 - startac2         datearray3(y) = startac2 + y     next  diffdate_ac = datediff("d", startac2, finishac2) + 1  wspben.activate range(cells(2, 2), cells(2, diffdate_ac + 1)).value = datearray3 range(cells(2, 2), cells(2, diffdate_ac + 1)).numberformat = "d/m;@" '  range("a1").value = "beneficiamento: tinturaria liso" range("a2").value = "data" range("a3").value = "produção" cells(2, diffdate_ac + 2).value = "total" cells(2, diffdate_ac + 3).value = "fase" cells(4, diffdate_ac + 3).value = "produto" cells(2, diffdate_ac + 4).value = "tingir alta temp." cells(3, diffdate_ac + 4).value = "tingir baixa temp." cells(4, diffdate_ac + 4).value = "tinto ramado" cells(5, diffdate_ac + 4).value = "tinto tubular"   dim fase1 string dim fase2 string dim prod1 string dim prod2 string  fase1 = cells(2, diffdate_ac + 4).address(rowabsolute:=false, columnabsolute:=false) fase2 = cells(3, diffdate_ac + 4).address(rowabsolute:=false, columnabsolute:=false) prod1 = cells(4, diffdate_ac + 4).address(rowabsolute:=false, columnabsolute:=false) prod2 = cells(5, diffdate_ac + 4).address(rowabsolute:=false, columnabsolute:=false)   range("b3").formula = "=sum((sumifs(ben_quant,ben_dia,r[-1]c,ben_fase," & fase1 & ",ben_linha," & prod1 & ")),(sumifs(ben_quant,ben_dia,r[-1]c,ben_fase," & fase1 & ",ben_linha," & prod2 & ")),(sumifs(ben_quant,ben_dia,r[-1]c,ben_fase," & fase2 & ",ben_linha," & prod1 & ")),(sumifs(ben_quant,ben_dia,r[-1]c,ben_fase," & fase2 & ",ben_linha," & prod2 & ")))" 

if read correctly, vba line:

range("b3").formula = "=sum((sumifs(ben_quant,ben_dia,r[-1]c,ben_fase, " & fase1 & ",ben_linha," & prod1 & "))" 

is trying set formula expression:

=sum((sumifs(ben_quant,ben_dia,r[-1]c,ben_fase, ag2,ben_linha,ag4)) 

however, mixing r1c1 , a1 cell addressing in same formula. far know, invalid syntax.


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