windows installer - WIX Uninstall Custom Action Error Code 2753 -
i'm having problems wix customaction i'd run when user uninstalls application.
here's xml'>
<package description='pak' installerversion='200' compressed='yes' /> <media id='1' cabinet='' embedcab='yes' /> <property id='arpsystemcomponent'>1</property> <directory id='targetdir' name='sourcedir'> <directory id="tempfolder"> <directory id="installlocation" name="~_tmpdir"> <component id='mycomponent' diskid='1' guid=''> <file id="file0" name="runtime.exe" source="runtime.exe" /> </component> </directory> </directory> </directory> <feature id='installfeature' title='install feature' level='1'> <componentref id='mycomponent' /> </feature> <customaction id="runinstall" return="ignore" execute="deferred" filekey="file0" execommand="runtime.exe" hidetarget="no" impersonate="no" /> <customaction id="rununinstall" return="ignore" execute="deferred" filekey="file0" execommand="runtime.exe" hidetarget="no" impersonate="no" /> <installexecutesequence> <custom action="runinstall" before="installfinalize">not remove~="all"</custom> <custom action="rununinstall" before="installfinalize">remove~="all"</custom> </installexecutesequence>
the runtime.exe launches expected when installing application when uninstall error "the installer has encountered unexpected error installing package. may indicate problem package. error code 2753".
looking @ event viewer sheds little more light on problem, contains following "the installer has encountered unexpected error installing package. may indicate problem package. error code 2753. arguments are: file0, , ".
so, seems can't find runtime.exe i'm not sure why. file bundled msi , runs on install can't work out why doesn't run on uninstall.
many thanks
you should sequence uninstall custom action earlier. "before installfinalize" late, , results in attempting run program after removefiles has deleted it, hence error. @ installexecutesequence in msi file , see removefiles relative ca , installfinalize. may need before stopservices , other actions remove registry values, depending on how of installed product code needs. or run binary table (beware of dependencies) if needs literally before uninstall completes.
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