mongodb - mongoimport with CSV: --headerline does not convert first row to fields -
when try import .csv file (non-existent) mongodb collection, first line not correctly converted fields.
instead, 1 new field field names in it. in field, data stored.
example csv:
product;type apple;fruit pizza;italian coffee;drink
the command use:
mongoimport -d db -c collection --type csv --headerline --file ./import.csv
the result 1 row:
{ "_id": objectid("56a89c5f3ea2a256f0da7acf"), "product;type": "coffee;drink" }
does know whats wrong here?
stands coma-separated values:
not semicolon-separated ones. preprocess import.csv
sed -import.bak "s/;/,/g" import.csv
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