bash - Tripwire Silent Installation on Ubuntu -

i trying install tripwire non-interactively doing following, still getting window screen inserting local , site keys. code in bash file written below.

can advise solution ?


tripwirelocalpassword=something tripwiresitepassword=something  sudo echo "postfix postfix/main_mailer_type select internet site" | sudo debconf-set-selections sudo echo "postfix postfix/mailname                     string `hostname`"                  | sudo debconf-set-selections sudo echo "tripwire tripwire/local-passphrase           password ${tripwirelocalpassword}"  | sudo debconf-set-selections sudo echo "tripwire tripwire/local-passphrase-again     password ${tripwirelocalpassword}"  | sudo debconf-set-selections sudo echo "tripwire tripwire/site-passphrase            password ${tripwiresitepassword}"   | sudo debconf-set-selections sudo echo "tripwire tripwire/site-passphrase-again      password ${tripwiresitepassword}"   | sudo debconf-set-selections sudo echo "tripwire tripwire/rebuild-config             boolean true"                       | sudo debconf-set-selections sudo echo "tripwire tripwire/use-localkey               boolean true"                       | sudo debconf-set-selections sudo echo "tripwire tripwire/change-in-default-policy   note"                               | sudo debconf-set-selections sudo echo "tripwire tripwire/email-report               note"                               | sudo debconf-set-selections sudo echo "tripwire tripwire/broken-passphrase          note"                               | sudo debconf-set-selections sudo echo "tripwire tripwire/use-sitekey                boolean true"                       | sudo debconf-set-selections sudo echo "tripwire tripwire/installed                  note"                               | sudo debconf-set-selections sudo echo "tripwire tripwire/site-passphrase-incorrect  boolean true"                       | sudo debconf-set-selections sudo echo "tripwire tripwire/upgrade                    boolean true"                       | sudo debconf-set-selections sudo echo "tripwire tripwire/rebuild-policy             boolean true"                       | sudo debconf-set-selections sudo echo "tripwire tripwire/local-passphrase-incorrect boolean true"                       | sudo debconf-set-selections  sudo apt-get install tripwire 

try along lines of

export debian_frontend=noninteractive  sudo apt-get install -q -y -o dpkg::options::="--force-confdef" \  -o dpkg::options::="--force-confold" tripwire 

from have seen there packages ignore "export debian_frontend=noninteractive" , instead open whiptail dialog box.

if case have create expect script.


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