mysql - migrate in django to legacy database gives error -
background info: quite beginner django, better equipped python , quite beginner in mysql (and mariadb) well. work in windows 7 environment following versions:
- django 1.9.1
- mariadb 10.0.20
- python 3.4.4
- mysql-connector\python 2.1.3 python 3.4
goal: trying build mariadb database , web based user interface django. have built database beforehand in mysql , trying create django project using database legacy database.
problem: have retrieved models django project follows:
python inspectdb >
and worked fine. checked, well, , seemed should.
now, if try migrate create tables based on django legacy db follows:
python migrate
i keep getting plenty of nested errors last 1 being:
django.db.migrations.exceptions.migrationsschemamissing: unable create django_migrations table (table 'mydb'.'django_migrations' exists. please discard tablespace before import.)
i figured table left in database folder previous attempt, removing not help. if check database command prompt tables left native database, same error message pops still. @ point wondered if there issue connector using not recommended 1 (mysqlclient).
somewhere, found migration not required. save me, have no idea, if solution can go for. ideally database managed later online , users admin accounts add entries there. otherwise, database should returning data.
edit: fixed error message python inspectdb > line
edit 29.1. running migration as:
python migrate --fake
results in same error.
the issue persists after removing django project , starting fresh.
edit v2 29.1. there 1 of required table files django_migrations table within database folder. there should django_migrations.ibd , django_migrations.frm. however, after running migration, there 1 file: django_migrations.ibd.
there similar going on here, different file mysqldump problems restore error: 'please discard tablespace before import'. explained in chosen answer.
i think related issue, cannot figure out , this.
edit v3 29.1. , noticed file giving django error. django's migration recorder @ c:\python34\lib\site-packages\django\db\migrations\ on line 59.
def ensure_schema(self): """ ensures table exists , has correct schema. """ # if table's there, that's fine - we've never changed schema # in codebase. if self.migration._meta.db_table in self.connection.introspection.table_names(self.connection.cursor()): return # make table try: self.connection.schema_editor() editor: editor.create_model(self.migration) except databaseerror exc: raise migrationschemamissing("unable create django_migrations table (%s)" % exc)
where last line raising error line 59. funnily, function should work, if table exists. thing can come (as in previous edit), indeed reason frm-file not created during migration process.
why happens way beyond me.
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