java - Custom Bean for Authentication Policy - Conflict with obtain more parameters than just ticket - return more attributes cas jasig -

i'm configuring cas v4.1.1 , i'm trying return map of parameters, (plus ticket) on response client phpcas, of "custom bean" (that design based on bean org.jasig.cas.adaptors.jdbc.searchmodesearchdatabaseauthenticationhandler of subproject cas-server-support-jdbc) authenticate, used "primaryprincipalresolver" "authenticationmanager" bean used on deployerconfigcontext.xml

my configuration of deployerconfigcontext.xml looks this:

<beans xmlns="" ... ... />   <bean id="authenticationmanager"  class="org.jasig.cas.authentication.policybasedauthenticationmanager">  <constructor-arg>  <map>  <!-- | important | every handler requires unique name. | if more   1 instance of same handler class configured, must explicitly   | set name other default name (typically simple   class name). -->  <entry key-ref="proxyauthenticationhandler" value-ref="proxyprincipalresolver" />   <!-- beans de autenticación:   aquí se enlistan los beans que serán usados para la autenticación. dependiendo del orden   en que se agreguen, se dará prioridad al método de autenticación que describa el bean. -->   <entry key-ref="searchdatabaseauthenticationmovilred" value-ref="primaryprincipalresolver" />   </map>  </constructor-arg>  <!-- | defines security policy around authentication. alternative   policies ship cas: | | * notpreventedauthenticationpolicy -    credential must either pass or fail authentication | * allauthenticationpolicy   - presented credential must authenticated | * requiredhandlerauthenticationpolicy   - specifies handler must authenticate credential pass -->  <property name="authenticationpolicy">  <bean class="org.jasig.cas.authentication.anyauthenticationpolicy" />  </property>  </bean> ... .... <bean id="searchdatabaseauthenticationmovilred"  class="com.solidda.cas.jdbc.searchdatabaseauthenticationmovilred">  <property name="urlservice">    <value> { url use point service return map of data } </value>  </property>  <property name="datasource" ref="datasource" />  </bean> ... <!-- required proxy ticket mechanism -->  <bean id="proxyprincipalresolver"  class="org.jasig.cas.authentication.principal.basicprincipalresolver" />  <!-- | resolves principal credential using attribute repository   configured resolve | against deployer-specific store (e.g. ldap). -->  <bean id="primaryprincipalresolver"  class="org.jasig.cas.authentication.principal.persondirectoryprincipalresolver"  p:principalfactory-ref="principalfactory" p:attributerepository-ref="attributerepository" />  <!-- bean defines attributes service may return. example   uses stub/mock version. real implementation may go against database   or ldap server. id should remain "attributerepository" though. + -->  <bean id="attributerepository"  class=""  p:backingmap-ref="attrrepobackingmap" />  <util:map id="attrrepobackingmap">  <entry key="uid" value="uid" />  <entry key="edupersonaffiliation" value="edupersonaffiliation" />  <entry key="groupmembership" value="groupmembership" />  <entry>  <key>  <value>memberof</value>  </key>  <list>  <value>faculty</value>  <value>staff</value>  <value>org</value>  </list>  </entry>  </util:map>  .... 

and looks code of "custom bean" create:

...  public class searchdatabaseauthenticationmovilred extends         abstractjdbcusernamepasswordauthenticationhandler {       @notnull     private string urlservice;       /**      * {@inheritdoc}      */     @override     protected final handlerresult authenticateusernamepasswordinternal(             final usernamepasswordcredential credential)             throws generalsecurityexception, preventedexception {           //get data adquire user , password petition         final string username = credential.getusername();         final string password = credential.getpassword();           ....         //creates petition method call post service returns map of data         ....           //maps decompose result         final map<string, object> result;         final map<string, object> datavalues;           //at end obtain map object bellow                datavalues = new hashmap<string, object>();              datavalues.put("data", "{\"infologin\": {\"usua_login\": "                     + "\"username\",\"usua_id\": someid,\"tpte_id\": "                     + "type,\"terc_id\": othersomeid}");         //i send this, sending map method "createprincipal" map of result         final handlerresult = createhandlerresult(credential,                 this.principalfactory.createprincipal(username, datavalues), null);         return a;     }   .... //some more code , stuff 

and can't obtain on response make on phpcas "datavalues" content, "attributes" or that. i'm screwed this, see lot of forums , nothing of works case... can guys me, please?

greetings colombia.

thank you.

-- cristian guerrero. developer verge of nervous breakdown

two things: 1. if wish use handler return attributes should null out corresponding principal resolver. 2. attributes should released cas clients per attribute release policy. should list attributes need released, i.e. data.


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