python - Communicate between two MainWindow() in Qt -

my app, in qt, consists in 2 different windows (but both inherited qtgui.qmainwindow), , wondering how communicate between them. moreover, using multiple qmainwindow approach?

connect signals , slots between 2 window classes when instantiate them.

if __name__ == '__main__':     app = qtwidgets.qapplication(sys.argv)      window1 = mymainwindow1()      window2 = mymainwindow2()      # connect signals communicate between windows     window1.somesignal.connect(window2.someslot)     window2.anothersignal.connect(window1.anotherslot)      app.exec() 

qmainwindow designed used main application window; simplifies addition of common window features toolbars , menus. however, don't think there harm in having multiple instances.

you can use anyqwidget:

window = qtwidgets.qwidget()    # note no parent given 


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