php - Yii2 how to change default aliaes @vendor ==@app/vendor to @webroot/vendor -

now default aliaes

 @vender defaults @app/vendor. 

how change defaults @webroot/vendor.

ignore below info

when using assetsbundle in namespace repo.

namespace repo\assets;  use yii\web\assetbundle;  class repoasset extends assetbundle {    public $sourcepath = '@repo/media';    public $css = [     'css/site.css',   ];    public $depends = [     'yii\web\yiiasset',     'yii\bootstrap\bootstrapasset',   ]; } 

i can't publish depends asset.

the file or directory published not exist: /users/tyan/code/php/myii/repo/vendor/bower/jquery/dist 

but real location of jquery


it happends bootstrapasset too.i try echo

@app //seems it's location /users/tyan/code/php/myii/repo @vendor //it's /users/tyan/code/php/myii/repo/vendor 

seems @app , @vendor add own namespace in automatically not make sence.

btw. define @repo aliases in web.php config file.

  'aliases' => [     '@repo' => dirname(__dir__),   ],   'controllernamespace' => 'repo\\controllers',  

because want change default namespace.


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