- Why am I getting Expression Expected? -
this simple codefile vb code username , password login form redirect different 'members area' pages:
public class mypage inherits page private structure cred public username string public password string public redirecturl string public sub new(un string, pw string, optional ru string = "/admin/default.aspx") username = un password = pw redirecturl = ru end sub end structure private readonly _credentials system.collections.generic.ienumerable(of cred) = new cred(){new cred("userone", "passwordone"), new cred("usertwo", "passwordtwo"), new cred("userthree", "passwordthree", "/admin/custom.aspx")} public sub page_load(sender object, e eventargs) dim user = _credentials.singleordefault(function(x) x.username = username.text andalso x.password = password.text) if user isnot nothing session("admin") = true response.redirect(user.redirecturl) else session("admin") = false ltllogin.text = "<p>sorry, have provided incorrect login details.</p>" end if end sub end class
it's on line:
dim user = _credentials.singleordefault(function(x) x.username = username.text andalso x.password = password.text)
thanks much.
the problem using structure
against class
. aware structures value types , classes reference types.
dim user = _credentials.singleordefault(function(x) x.username = username.text andalso x.password = password.text)
always return structure (when nothing found members of structure gets default values).
you cannot compare structure nothing ti not reference type.
change structure class , fine.
or change check with:
if not user.equals(new cred)
check this
update examples
class cred
imports system.linq module startupmodule private readonly _credentials system.collections.generic.ienumerable(of cred) = new cred() { new cred("userone", "passwordone"), new cred("usertwo", "passwordtwo"), new cred("userthree", "passwordthree", "/admin/custom.aspx")} sub main() dim username string = "" dim password string = "" dim crd = _credentials.where(function(x) x.username = username andalso x.password = password).singleordefault if crd nothing console.writeline("user nothing") else console.writeline("user something") end if console.readline() end sub private class cred public username string public password string public redirecturl string public sub new(un string, pw string, optional ru string = "/admin/default.aspx") username = un password = pw redirecturl = ru end sub end class end module
structure cred
imports system.linq module startupmodule private readonly _credentials system.collections.generic.ienumerable(of cred) = new cred() { new cred("userone", "passwordone"), new cred("usertwo", "passwordtwo"), new cred("userthree", "passwordthree", "/admin/custom.aspx")} sub main() dim username string = "" dim password string = "" dim crd = _credentials.where(function(x) x.username = username andalso x.password = password).singleordefault if crd.equals(new cred) console.writeline("user nothing") else console.writeline("user something") end if console.readline() end sub private structure cred public username string public password string public redirecturl string public sub new(un string, pw string, optional ru string = "/admin/default.aspx") username = un password = pw redirecturl = ru end sub end structure end module
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