list - python 2.7:iterate dictionary and map values to a file -
i have list of dictionaries build .xml file:
list_1=[{'lat': '00.6849879', 'phone': '+3002201600', 'amenity': 'restaurant', 'lon': '00.2855850', 'name': 'telegraf'},{'lat': '00.6850230', 'addr:housenumber': '6', 'lon': '00.2844493', 'addr:city': 'xxx', 'addr:street': 'yyy.'},{'lat': '00.6860304', 'crossing': 'traffic_signals', 'lon': '00.2861978', 'highway': 'crossing'}]
my aim build text file values (not keys) in such order: lat,lon,'addr:street','addr:housenumber','addr:city','amenity','crossing' etc...
00.6849879,00.2855850, , , ,restaurant, ,'\n'00.6850230,00.2844493,yyy,6,xxx, , ,'\n'00.6860304,00.2861978, , , , ,traffic_signals,'\n'
if value not exists there should empty space.
i tried loop loop:
for in list_1: line= i['lat'],i['lon'] print line
problem occurs if add value not exist in cases:
for in list_1: line= i['lat'],i['lon'],i['phone'] print line
also tried loop , use map() function, results seems not correct:
for in list_1: line=map(lambda x1,x2:x1+','+x2+'\n',i['lat'],i['lon']) print line
also tried:
in list_1: k,v in i.items(): if k=='addr:housenumber': print v
this time think there might many if/else conditions write.
seems solutions somewhere close. can't figure out solution , optimal way.
i use csv
module, in particular dictwriter
. fieldnames
dictate order in dictionary information written out. writing header optional:
import csv fields = ['lat','lon','addr:street','addr:housenumber','addr:city','amenity','crossing',...] open('<file>', 'w') f: writer = csv.dictwriter(f, fields) #writer.writeheader() # if want header writer.writerows(list_1)
if didn't want use csv
module can simple iterate on list of fields want in order want them:
fields = ['lat','lon','addr:street','addr:housenumber','addr:city','amenity','crossing',...] row in line_1: print(','.join(row.get(field, '') field in fields))
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