node.js - Passport session cookies in redis constantly keep getting created -

my express app uses passportjs storing auth session creates ridiculous number of keys in redis store , keys same:


they have ttl store growing in size no reason. idea why these being created? keys looks like:

"sess:8r3a-k6darjvxxfdaxr5ntg7mec7jtxb" "sess:s4vyc-k-nmfsf7n-qgqjimfmt30eyndp" "sess:bs7wo92nyl5r0wabj-vo9o8w1apu0kp7" "sess:0b1aks6-mcclpvoxv0nlvnio8u8fxyqo" "sess:v0uwf60lmwkmmvzgo4rwumx313ypsid0" 

if eyeball it, around 10 keys being created every second or two.

this how session code looks:

var express = require('express'),     ....     session = require('express-session'),     redisstore = require('connect-redis')(session);  ...     app.use(express.static(path.resolve('./public')));      //redis     var redisclient = redishelper.init();      app.use(session({         secret: '...',         store: new redisstore({             client: redisclient,             ttl: 86400         }),         resave: false,         saveuninitialized: false,         cookie:{maxage:86400}     }));      //passport     app.use(passport.initialize());     app.use(passport.session()); ... 

redis init function returns instance of redis client:

exports.init = function () {     redisclient = redis.createclient(config.redis.port, config.redis.server, {});      redisclient.auth(config.redis.auth);      redisclient.on('error', function (error) {         //todo: log error         winston.error('error while talking redis', {message: error});     });      return redisclient; }; 


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