sprite kit - SKVideoNode videoNodeWithFileNamed: crashes in iOS 8.4, fine in iOS 9 -

in ios 8.4, our game crashing when trying initialize skvideonode via filename, works fine in ios 9. apple documentation states following method supported in 8.0 , later (here):

skvideonode *introvideonode = [skvideonode videonodewithfilenamed:@"intro.mp4"]; 

but crashes with:

+[skvideonode videonodewithfilenamed:]: unrecognized selector sent class 

now, works fine in both ios 8 , 9 if initialize avplayer instead:

skvideonode* introvideonode = [[skvideonode alloc] initwithavplayer:player]; 

has else encountered this? spritekit bug ios 8?


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