Hyperlink in excel macro -
i want method create hyperlink of variable in excel macro. requirement have capture link in variable ex:
abc = inputbox("enter path")
now want use abc parameter hyperlink function , create hyperlink name xyz. can me solve issue?
ok, here code. doing 1. asking url want 2. storing url in variable called url 3. going sheet 1, adding hyperlink function cell a5, linking url input 4. displaying friendly name give in code
let me know if have questions | need modify code url want or place links want.
tested , working. please vote answer :)
sub createhyperlink() dim url string url = inputbox("enter link") worksheets("sheet1") .hyperlinks.add anchor:=.range("a5"), _ address:="http://www." & url, _ texttodisplay:="google" end end sub
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