api - modify relationship in instagram by using oriceon laravel 5 oauth wrapper -

iam using oriceon/oauth-5-laravel connecting instagram.i authenticated , got name , id through request

$result = json_decode($instagramservice->request('users/self'), true); want follow person using oriceon/oauth-5-laravel. how post request follow person using .

**note:**dont refer instagram developer page.i reffred lot.but couldnt put post request oriceon/laravel oauth wrapper instagram.

help me.tysm in advance

try .copy method controller , proper routing.

public function followwithinstagram(request $request)     {         $instagram_id='id of user want follow';         $code = $request->get('code');         $instagramservice = \oauth::consumer('instagram');         if ( ! is_null($code))         {             $state = isset($_get['state']) ? $_get['state'] : null;             $instagramservice->requestaccesstoken($code, $state);             $linkdata = [               'action' =>'follow',                           ];             $result =json_decode($instagramservice->request('https://api.instagram.com/v1/users/'.$instagram_id.'/relationship','post',$linkdata),true);             if(!$result){                 return ("failed");             }             else {                 return ("success");                      }         } else {             $url = $instagramservice->getauthorizationuri();             return redirect((string)$url);         }      } 


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