python - Supervisor command won't start Chromium -

edit: apparently script run, doesn't start browser. still don't know why tho.

i'm trying use supervisor run commands/scripts, don't seem able work.

i got idea of pi_video_looper same following script :

# supervisord configuration run video looper @ boot , # ensure runs continuously. [program:video_looper] command=python -u -m adafruit_video_looper.video_looper autostart=true autorestart=unexpected startsecs=5 

so modified needs this:

# supervisord configuration run video looper @ boot , # ensure runs continuously. [program:video_looper] command=chromium-browser --incognito autostart=true autorestart=unexpected startsecs=5 

i used command :

python /home/pi/startup/ 

which testing , calls browser, doesn't either, allthough runs commandline. missing something?

edit: doesn't work after reboot, doesn't work after sudo service supervisor restart

edit 2 : logfile shows should running, apparently doesn't open in gui?:

2016-01-27 16:40:43,569 info daemonizing supervisord process 2016-01-27 16:40:43,573 info supervisord started pid 4767 2016-01-27 16:40:44,583 info spawned: 'video_looper' pid 4773 2016-01-27 16:40:49,593 info success: video_looper entered running state, process has stayed > 5 seconds (startsecs) 

the working version below: main issue here chromium can't ran root obscure reason

# supervisord configuration run chromium @ boot , # ensure runs continuously. [program:chromiumbrowser] command=chromium-browser --incognito user=pi autostart=true autorestart=unexpected startsecs=5 


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