How to HTTP POST in Lua without using Lua Socket -

i trying send http post command external server lua scripted piece of hardware. in order have create tcpconnection , tcpsend() command. have confirmed tcp connection using wireshark , have seen send http command not know how send post. have tried change post in code no avail.

debugconsole = -20  while true    --opening connection remote host    debugconsole = tcpconnect("", 80, 100)    print("tcp connect " .. debugconsole)      debugconsole = tcpsend("get /api/v1/profiles/active_profiles.json?profile=5&expiry=1&duration=0&auth_token=2e608b72390a866f4bc7bbb6db63a1aa http/1.1 \r\n\r\n")    print("tcp send = " .. debugconsole)  --printing response remote host    print(responsesubstr(0, 500))        debugconsole = tcpclose()    print("tcp close = " .. debugconsole)      debugconsole = httprequest("", 10)      print("http request = " .. debugconsole)    print(" ")      sleep (10000)  end  


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