php - Android JSONObject Post Volley using StringRequest -

i'am bit confuse have asked question related json decoding on php side. focus there on decoding jsonobject posted android volley using stringrequest. able create code concerning inserting data mysql , forgot i'm still having bad configuration on client side. i'm getting "e/volley: [215] basicnetwork.performrequest: unexpected response code 500" post code here both on android , php side. please guide me accordingly. tired here. hope me.

client side:

public void testorder (arraylist<string> order_id,                                       arraylist<string> uname,                                       arraylist<string> prod_name,                                       arraylist<string> prod_id,                                       arraylist<string> quantity,                                       arraylist<string> branches,                                       arraylist<string> totalprice,                                       int itemiteration){          jsonobject obj = null;         jsonarray jsonarray = new jsonarray();         final jsonobject finalobject = new jsonobject();         (int = 0; < itemiteration; i++) {             obj = new jsonobject();             log.d("object_counter", string.valueof(i));             try {                 obj.put("itemcount",   itemiteration-1);                 obj.put("order_id",    order_id.get(i));                 log.d("order_id",      order_id.get(i));                 obj.put("uname",       uname.get(i));                 log.d("username",      uname.get(i));                 obj.put("prod_name",   prod_name.get(i));                 log.d("prod_name",     prod_name.get(i));                 obj.put("quantity",    quantity.get(i));                 log.d("prod_quant",    quantity.get(i));                 obj.put("branch",      branches.get(i));                 log.d("prod_branches", branches.get(i));                 obj.put("totalprice",  totalprice.get(i));                 log.d("total_price",   totalprice.get(i));              } catch (jsonexception e) {                 // todo auto-generated catch block                 e.printstacktrace();             }             jsonarray.put(obj);         }               try {                 finalobject.put("orderlist", jsonarray);                 test = jsonarray.tostring(); //                toast.maketext(this,test,toast.length_short).show();             } catch (jsonexception e) {                 e.printstacktrace();             }           stringrequest strrequest = new stringrequest(, config.try_json_post,                 new response.listener<string>()                 {                     @override                      public void onresponse(string response)                     {                         toast.maketext(placeorder.this, response, toast.length_short).show();                         //log.d("response",response); //                     }                 },                 new response.errorlistener()                 {                     @override                     public void onerrorresponse(volleyerror error)                     {                         toast.maketext(placeorder.this, error.tostring(), toast.length_short).show();                     }                 })         {             @override             protected map<string, string> getparams()             {                 map<string, string> params = new hashmap<>();                 params.put("orderlist", finalobject.tostring());                  return params;             }         };         retrypolicy policy = new defaultretrypolicy(60000, defaultretrypolicy.default_max_retries, defaultretrypolicy.default_backoff_mult); strrequest.setretrypolicy(policy);         appcontroller.getminstance().addtorequesqueue(strrequest);      } } 

server side:

<?php if($_server['request_method']=='post'){  $content   = file_get_contents("php://input"); $response  = json_decode($content, true); $orderlist = json_decode($response['orderlist'], true); //$count     = count($response);  for($x=0;$x<=count($response);$x++){   foreach($orderlist $row){      $id=$row[$x]['order_id'];       $uname=$row[$x]['uname'];      $query_parts[$x] = "("."'".$row[$x]['order_id']."'".","."'".$row[$x]['uname']."'".","."'".$row[$x]['prod_name']."'".","."'".$row[$x]['quantity']."'".","."'".$row[$x]['totalprice']."'".")";   } }  $sql_1 = "insert `order` (`order_id`, `uname`) values ('$id', '$uname')"; $sql_2 = "insert orders (order_id, uname, prod_name, quantity, total_price) values ".implode(',', $query_parts);   if ($con->query($sql_1) === true) {        if ($con->query($sql_2) === true) {         echo "new record created successfully";     } else {         echo "error2: " . $sql_2 . "<br>" . $con->error;     }  } else {     echo "error1: " . $sql_1 . "<br>" . $con->error;  }   } else {         echo "failed json post";  } 

removed statement first prevent volley.error

<?php if($_server['request_method']=='post'){  $content   = file_get_contents("php://input"); //$response  = json_decode($content, true); //$orderlist = json_decode($response['tag'], true); //$count     = count($response);  $response = json_decode($content, true); $orderlist= $response['orderlist'];  echo $content;   } else {     echo "no post";  } 

i'm getting these bunch of code guest server side received jsonobject


simulated db operation , working

$content = '{"orderlist":"{\"order_list\":[{\"order_id\":\"1756\",\"uname\":\"jordan\",\"prod_name\":\"abc\",\"quantity\":\"1\",\"branch\":\"dapitan\",\"totalprice\":\"23500\"},{\"order_id\":\"1756\",\"uname\":\"jordan\",\"prod_name\":\"amd kaveri a4-7300 apu hd8470d 2-core 2gb 500gb cpu package\",\"quantity\":\"1\",\"branch\":\"dapitan\",\"totalprice\":\"23500\"}]}"}'; $con = mysqli_connect("localhost","","",""); $response  = json_decode($content, true); $orderlist = json_decode($response['orderlist'], true); //$count     = count($response);  for($x=0;$x<=count($response);$x++){   foreach($orderlist $row){      $id=$row[$x]['order_id'];       $uname=$row[$x]['uname'];      $query_parts[$x] = "("."'".$row[$x]['order_id']."'".","."'".$row[$x]['uname']."'".","."'".$row[$x]['prod_name']."'".","."'".$row[$x]['quantity']."'".","."'".$row[$x]['totalprice']."'".")";   } }    $sql_1 = "insert `order` (`order_id`, `uname`) values ('$id', '$uname')"; $sql_2 = "insert orders (order_id, uname, prod_name, quantity, total_price) values ".implode(',', $query_parts);   if ($con->query($sql_1) === true) {        if ($con->query($sql_2) === true) {         echo "new record created successfully";     } else {         echo "error2: " . $sql_2 . "<br>" . $con->error;     }  } else {     echo "error1: " . $sql_1 . "<br>" . $con->error;  } 

you posting data against key "tag" on server side fetching key "orderlist" $orderlist = json_decode($response['orderlist'], true);. either in getparams remove param , send complete json or on server side change $orderlist = json_decode($response['tag'], true);

hope helps.


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