android - I am trying to check for google play services without using the deprecated method any insight? -
i have been building app requires location awareness , have gotten location awareness work using google play services. issue is, way able find online check if services available deprecated. use input on supposed done now.
here deprecated version:
private boolean checkplayservices() { int resultcode = googleplayservicesutil .isgoogleplayservicesavailable(this); if (resultcode != connectionresult.success) { if (googleplayservicesutil.isuserrecoverableerror(resultcode)) { googleplayservicesutil.geterrordialog(resultcode, this, play_services_resolution_request).show(); } else { toast.maketext(getapplicationcontext(), "this device not supported.", toast.length_long) .show(); finish(); } return false; } return true; }
/** method verify google play services on device */ private boolean checkplayservices() { googleapiavailability googleapi = googleapiavailability.getinstance(); int result = googleapi.isgoogleplayservicesavailable(this); if (result != connectionresult.success) { if (googleapi.isuserresolvableerror(result)) { googleapi.geterrordialog(this, result, play_services_resolution_request) .show(); } else { log.i(tag, "this device not supported."); finish(); } return false; } return true; }
note: private final static int play_services_resolution_request = 1000;
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