cakephp - Multiple databases running different sites - same database structure - how to update all? -

there multiple, ever-increasing number of sites run off single instance of cms (built in cakephp) on single server array. cms has set database structure, need updating regularly - new fields, changing names of fields, new tables ...etc.

i can't wrap head around way 1) keep sites having own databases (seemingly ideal), two, basing them off same, regularly-updated database structure.

so far thought keep single "template" database, , update that, write script compare , update - then, how know if field changed, or if new field, , previous field deleted...etc etc etc. i'm sure haven't thought of problems cause. advice appreciated.

you use migrations tool basic idea behind migrations have kind of version control database schema, each migration representing "commit" describing changes (like add table, rename field, etc.) should applied database schema.


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