spring integration - Behaviour of multiple inbound channel adapters/pollers in a single context -
i have spring integration context multiple inbound channel adapters, each own poller (currently pollers have refresh time configured fixed-delay may use fixed-rate in future). inbound adapters output produced messages same processing chain. question behaviour of polling , message consuming in such situation? imagine, poller #1 has produced 1000 messages , handed processing chain. since processing can take significant time possible has come time poller #2 job , possibly produce messages. remeber - processing chain still handling messages passed poller #1. happens?
- poller #2 not run @ until poller #1 messages processed.
- poller #2 run (but how run if have 1 thread?), messages stored later use when poller #1 messages processed.
- processing initiated poller #1 interrupted, poller #2 run, produced messages passed processing chain immediately.
- some other answer
note channels direct channels , there no task executors used.
pollers independent tasks handled common taskscheduler
bean; long task scheduler has sufficient threads, there no coordination across pollers.
if pool exhausted, pollers run "late".
by default taskscheduler
has 10 threads; can reconfigure it.
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