wordpress - PHP Execution wrong order -
i hoping can point me in right direction...
i have following script in php
global $post; $url = "".get_post_meta($post->id, "syndication_permalink", true).""; $wpws_get_content1 = wpws_get_content($url, true).'"', "#doccontent");
the above code not work...
global $post; url = "http://example.com"; $wpws_get_content1 = wpws_get_content($url, true).'"', "#doccontent");
if code above , manually enter url in $url
if echo
in top example works, dynamically use code
wpws_get_content($url, true)
it not work....
i not sure error is, seems problem execution time in script above...
if have ideas how solve this, appreciated if can point me right direction....
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