c# - how to send content from viewmodel to new page -

i have pivot

<pivotitem header="product">     <gridview itemssource="{x:bind productviewmodel.products}">         <gridview.itemtemplate>             <datatemplate x:datatype="models:product">                 <stackpanel flyoutbase.attachedflyout="{staticresource flayoutbase1}" righttapped="stackpanel_righttapped">                     <textblock text="{x:bind name, mode=oneway}"/>                     <textblock text="{x:bind price, mode=oneway}"/>                 </stackpanel>             </datatemplate>         </gridview.itemtemplate>     </gridview> </pivotitem> 

i have flyout in every product button , when press want send values name , price new page order of product. don't know how because have different viewmodels , fields not same.

while navigating can send parameters.

check reference.



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