Rails render multiple pdf files to a folder -

i have controller action renders pdf download. want render multiple pdfs tmp folder ( zip them download )

i can generate pdfs , present user can't figure out how create folder store them in.

i'm using prawn. has render_file method save filesystem don't know directory or if other users save pdf's same folder, need create uniques folder each user save pdf's there.

how can this?

my controller action currently

def showpdf     respond_to |format|       format.html       format.pdf         @items.each |pdf|           pdf = prawn::document.new(page_size:  "a4",margin: [0,0,0,0])           # pdf creation stuff...            # used render 1 pdf browser           # need save multiple pdf's           #send_data pdf.render, filename: 'report.pdf', type: 'application/pdf'         end       end     end 

you need store files tmp/your-folder folder,

require 'prawn' @items.each |item|    pdf = prawn::document.new    pdf.text("lets zip all.")    pdf.render_file('tmp/your-folder/#{item.id}.pdf') end 

and use https://github.com/rubyzip/rubyzip zip your-folder.

require 'zip' folder = "tmp/your-folder/" zipfile_name = "tmp/archive.zip"  input_filenames = dir.entries("tmp/your-folder/").select {|f| !file.directory? f}   zip::file.open(zipfile_name, zip::file::create) |zipfile|   input_filenames.each |filename|   zipfile.add(filename, folder + '/' + filename) end  zipfile.get_output_stream("myfile") { |os| os.write "myfile contains this" } end 

simply send file user. if pdf contains lot of data move them delayed jobs. hope makes sense if not please hit reply.


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