c++ - Undefined symbols for architecture arm64: "cv::String::deallocate()" -
when add ".a" file includes opencv.framework,xcode encountered such compile errors:
i pretty sure opencv.framework there,and using opencv 3.1,it should support arm64. why keep complaining this? how can fix it? lot.
lipo - info shows following information: architectures in fat file: /users/fumin/libvisagewrapper.a are: armv7 i386 x86_64 arm64
you should verify library correctly supporting arm64 using command:
lipo -info libyourlib.a
the output of command should show this:
architectures in fat file: libyourlib.a are: armv7 arm64
a fat file means file holds binary elements possibly more 1 architecture.
if arm64 missing, can't build target arm64 devices. might need ask supplier of library build fat version includes arm64 architecture.
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