java - How to send graphql query with fragments in Android -

i new graphql , need send graphql query fragments android app. below query format accepted network.

query{   user(ident:"johndoe"){     mystory{       description,     placements(first:3){       edges{         node{           mediaitemtype           mediaitem {             ...videofragment             ...photofragment           }         }       }     }     }   } } fragment videofragment on video {     videohtml } fragment photofragment on photo {     url(size:10) } 

any appreciated!!

this depends on server implementation of graphql. graphql not define medium, leaves question being broad. since express-graphql common, i'll make guess may using that. if that's true, can query on http more details outlined on documentation project. if happens not case, you'll need more digging.


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