c++ - XFeatures2D Android - Undefined Reference -

getting undefined reference on following line:

msiftex = xfeatures2d::siftfeaturedetector::create(features, octavelayers,         contrastthreshold, edgethreshold, sigma); 

i using custom android ndk makefile following:

local_path:= $(call my-dir) include $(clear_vars) opencv_install_modules:=on opencv_camera_modules:=off include /opt/opencv-android/sdk/native/jni/opencv.mk  local_c_includes := /src/main/jni /usr/local/include local_module    := sift local_src_files := msift.cpp local_ldlibs    += -llog -std=c++11 local_libraries = -l/usr/local/lib \     -lopencv_core \     -lopencv_imgproc \     -lopencv_highgui \     -lopencv_ml \     -lopencv_video \     -lopencv_features2d \     -lopencv_calib3d \     -lopencv_objdetect \     -lopencv_contrib \     -lopencv_legacy \     -lopencv_flann \     -lopencv_xfeatures2d  include $(build_shared_library) 

if add following local_ldlibs:

-l/usr/local/lib -lopencv_xfeatures2d 

it compiles, errors on runtime following:

java.lang.unsatisfiedlinkerror: dlopen failed: library "libopencv_xfeatures2d.so.3.1" not found

i using opencv 3.1, on x86_64 architecture android.


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