python - While function issue keeps on spamming -

and made rock paper scissor game, when loose life or win, keep on spamming same message can help

import random #this allows me generate random numbers def main(): #all main code under     print ("hello welcome rock, paper , scissors game!") #welcome message     count = 0 #this counts how many tries tried     while count != 3: #you can try 3 times         print ("please choose whether:") #allows user choose between rock, paper , scissors         print ("[1] rock")         print ("[2] paper")         print ("[3] scissors")         user_choice = int(input()) #saves user input variable         if user_choice == 1:             user_choice = ("rock")         elif user_choice == 2:             user_choice = ("paper")         elif user_choice == 3:             user_choice = ("scissors")         elif user_choice > 3:             print ("invalid choice!")             print ("restarting...")             main()          computer_choice = random.randint(1,3) #generates random number between 1 , 3         if computer_choice == 1: #define 1,2 , 3             computer_choice = ("rock")         elif computer_choice == 2:             computer_choice = ("paper")         elif computer_choice == 3:             computer_choice = ("scissors")         def choice_1():             score = 0             lives = 2             if user_choice == "rock":                 if user_choice == computer_choice:                     print ("you chose:",user_choice)                     print ("--------vs--------")                     print ("computer chose:",computer_choice)                     print ("draw!")                 elif user_choice == "rock" , computer_choice == "paper":                     print ("you chose:",user_choice)                     print ("--------vs--------")                     print ("computer chose:",computer_choice)                     print ("you lost!")                     lives = lives - 1                 elif user_choice == "rock" , computer_choice == "scissors":                     print ("you chose:",user_choice)                     print ("--------vs--------")                     print ("computer chose:",computer_choice)                     print ("you won!")                     score = score + 1              if user_choice == "paper":                 if user_choice == computer_choice:                     print ("you chose:",user_choice)                     print ("--------vs--------")                     print ("computer chose:",computer_choice)                     print ("draw!")                 elif user_choice == "paper" , computer_choice == "scissors":                     print ("you chose:",user_choice)                     print ("--------vs--------")                     print ("computer chose:",computer_choice)                     print ("you lost!")                     lives = lives - 1                 elif user_choice == "paper" , computer_choice == "rock":                     print ("you chose:",user_choice)                     print ("--------vs--------")                     print ("computer chose:",computer_choice)                     print ("you won!")                     score = score + 1              if user_choice == "scissors":                 if user_choice == computer_choice:                     print ("you chose:",user_choice)                     print ("--------vs--------")                     print ("computer chose:",computer_choice)                     print ("draw!")                 elif user_choice == "scissors" , computer_choice == "rock":                     print ("you chose:",user_choice)                     print ("--------vs--------")                     print ("computer chose:",computer_choice)                     print ("you lost!")                     lives = lives - 1                 elif user_choice == "scissors" , computer_choice == "paper":                     print ("you chose:",user_choice)                     print ("--------vs--------")                     print ("computer chose:",computer_choice)                     print ("you won!")                     score = score + 1             print ("you have",lives,"lives left")             while lives != 0:                 choice_1()             else:                 print ("oops! ran out of lives")                 print ("restarting...")                 main()             count = count + 1         choice_1()      else:         print ("thanks playing!")         if score == 3:             print ("fantastic! scored:",score,"/3")         elif score == 2:             print ("good job! scored:",score,"/3")         elif score == 1:             print ("not bad! scored:",score,"/3")         elif score == 0:             print ("unlucky! scored:",score,"/3")     main() 

you should either break out of loop before calling main() function or restructure program in way more 1 instance of main() not running @ same time. 1 of dangers of calling function inside of itself. there other threads discuss recursive function calling if want read them.


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