java - manipulation with dynamically added textfield values -
consists 5 jtextfields
. adding dynamically jpanels
. , retrieving dynamically added jpanel
values savebutton
. code of savebutton
private void writefile(jpanel panel_name, printwriter file){ component[] children = panel_name.getcomponents(); (component sp : children) { if (sp instanceof subpanel) { component[] spchildren = ((subpanel)sp).getcomponents(); int count=1; (component spchild : spchildren) { if (spchild instanceof jtextfield) { string text = ""; if(count==1) text=((jtextfield)spchild).gettext(); if(count==2) text=((jtextfield)spchild).gettext(); if(count==4) text=((jtextfield)spchild).gettext(); if(count==5) text=((jtextfield)spchild).gettext(); if(count==3) text=((jtextfield)spchild).gettext(); if(text.equals(null) || text.equals("")) { } else{ file.write(text); } } } } }
i have entered 1, 2, 4, 5, 3
jtextfields , when click savebutton, output got jtextfield values as: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
. if write count==4
after count==2
, anyway output getting in ordered line. ask how can value of count==4
after count==2
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