python - How can read_cifar10() routine return anything other than first object in TensorFlow tutorial? -
tensorflow has cifar-10 tutorial, is discussed here. source code in python is here.
it has read_cifar10() routine here, intended read samples binary file.
i failing understand, how works. suspect somehow related tensorflow deferred nature, can't figure out how.
at point routine following:
# read record, getting filenames filename_queue. no # header or footer in cifar-10 format, leave header_bytes # , footer_bytes @ default of 0. reader = tf.fixedlengthrecordreader(record_bytes=record_bytes) result.key, value =
i see here, new reader created scratch, , reader pointed filename queue.
how many samples returned read
later, inside distorted_inputs()
method code following:
print ('filling queue %d cifar images before starting train. ' 'this take few minutes.' % min_queue_examples) # generate batch of images , labels building queue of examples. return _generate_image_and_label_batch(float_image, read_input.label, min_queue_examples)
here print
normal python call, not deferred, comment assume fetching of 20000 records occur immediately.
how can happen? everywhere see per-one-record logic. how multiplies on many records?
adds read
operation computation graph, actual execution happens during
done separate thread in while(true):
kind of loop initiated start_queue_runners
long version: part of "input pipeline" complicated fact reading/prefetching needs happen asynchronously avoid blocking. official how-to describing input pipelines here.
to more specific,
adds operation read single record computation graph. operation feeds shuffle_batch
created inside _generate_image_and_label_batch
. point no reading has taken place. shuffle_batch
operation creates queue decouples input flow, in sense evaluation of part of graph before queue , after queue can done asynchronously using different
calls, queue providing buffering in middle. additionally shuffle_batch
operation registers operations feeding queue part of graphkeys.queue_runners
inside train()
, operation tf.start_queue_runners
create several threads corresponding enqueue operations registered in graphkeys.queue_runners
collection , start evaluating them in loop. results of
flow through other ops until reaching shuffle_batch
queue , getting saved in memory buffer.
the part of graph after shuffle_batch
driven main python thread, initiated[train_op, loss])
command. thread collect batch of examples saved on shuffle_batch
queue , propagate forward.
here's example of feeding input queue manually instead of using queue runners.
queue_dtype = np.int32 queue_capacity = 2 values_queue = tf.fifoqueue(capacity=queue_capacity, dtypes=queue_dtype) size_op = values_queue.size() value_placeholder = tf.placeholder(dtype=queue_dtype) enqueue_op = values_queue.enqueue(value_placeholder) dequeue_op = values_queue.dequeue() close_op = values_queue.close() sess = tf.interactivesession() # add 2 elements onto queue[enqueue_op], {value_placeholder:2})[enqueue_op], {value_placeholder:3}) # if uncomment next line, you'll hang because queue full #[enqueue_op], {value_placeholder:4}) # close queue. means 3rd read throw outofrangeerror instead of # hanging until queue replenished[close_op]) print('queue has %d/%d entries' % ([size_op])[0], queue_capacity)) # take 2 elements off queue fancy_computation = tf.square(dequeue_op) print('computation result %d' %([fancy_computation])[0])) print('queue has %d/%d entries' % ([size_op])[0], queue_capacity)) print('computation result %d' %([fancy_computation])[0])) print('queue has %d/%d entries' % ([size_op])[0], queue_capacity)) print('computation result %d' %([fancy_computation])[0])) print('queue has %d/%d entries' % ([size_op])[0], queue_capacity))
what should see if run it
queue has 2/2 entries computation result 4 queue has 1/2 entries computation result 9 queue has 0/2 entries --------------------------------------------------------------------------- outofrangeerror
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