php - paypal express checkout dont work with sandbox -
i try integrate paypal express checkout using wizard
all right if iam using real account, if enter sandbox account credentials script show no error: "setexpresscheckout api call failed. error message: error code: "
i have checked returns script's $resarray. i's ok:
array ( [token] => ec-2fp9406707909490n [timestamp] => 2016-01-27t14:52:37z [correlationid] => b6329a695bbf3 [ack] => success [version] => 93 [build] => 18308778 )
$resarray = callshortcutexpresscheckout ($paymentamount, $currencycodetype, $paymenttype, $returnurl, $cancelurl); $ack = strtoupper($resarray["ack"]); if($ack=="success" || $ack=="successwithwarning") { redirecttopaypal ( $resarray["token"] ); } else { $errorcode = urldecode($resarray["l_errorcode0"]); $errorshortmsg = urldecode($resarray["l_shortmessage0"]); $errorlongmsg = urldecode($resarray["l_longmessage0"]); $errorseveritycode = urldecode($resarray["l_severitycode0"]); echo "setexpresscheckout api call failed. "; echo "detailed error message: " . $errorlongmsg; echo "short error message: " . $errorshortmsg; echo "error code: " . $errorcode; echo "error severity code: " . $errorseveritycode; }
but if replace real sandbox credetials $resarray return empty array.
array ( ) setexpresscheckout api call failed. detailed error message: short error message: error code: error severity code:
what wrong?
you have check ssl certification on api call time. paypal change there api. experiment in sandbox. after june,2016 sandbox , live both credential not work without ssl. details check :
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