itextsharp - How to edit PdfTemplate width (in Java) -
is possible edit width of pdftemplate object before close of document ? in pdf process create document, , set template write total page number. set width doesnot works :
// onopendocument pdftemplate pagenumtemplate = writer.getdirectcontent().createtemplate(10, 20); globaldatamap.put("mytemplate", pagenumtemplate) // onclosedocument font font = (font) globaldatamap.get("myfont"); string pagenum = string.valueof(writer.getpagenumber()); float widthpoint = font.getbasefont().getwidthpoint(pagenum, font.getsize()); pdftemplate pdftemplate = (pdftemplate) globaldatamap.get("mytemplate"); pdftemplate.setwidth(widthpoint); columntext.showtextaligned(pdftemplate, element.align_left, new phrase(pagenum), 0, 1, 0);
an error in op's initial code
you call columntext.showtextaligned
third parameter:
string pagenum = string.valueof(writer.getpagenumber()); [...] columntext.showtextaligned(pdftemplate, element.align_left, pagenum, 0, 1, 0);
but columntext.showtextaligned
overloads expect phrase
public static void showtextaligned(final pdfcontentbyte canvas, final int alignment, final phrase phrase, final float x, final float y, final float rotation) public static void showtextaligned(final pdfcontentbyte canvas, int alignment, final phrase phrase, final float x, final float y, final float rotation, final int rundirection, final int arabicoptions)
(at least current 5.5.9-snapshot development version).
thus, might want use
columntext.showtextaligned(pdftemplate, element.align_left, new phrase(pagenum), 0, 1, 0);
but works
based on op's code built proof-of-concept:
try ( fileoutputstream stream = new fileoutputstream(new file(result_folder, "dynamictemplatewidths.pdf")) ) { document document = new document(pagesize.a6); pdfwriter writer = pdfwriter.getinstance(document, stream); writer.setpageevent(new pdfpageeventhelper() { pdftemplate dynamictemplate = null; font font = new font(basefont.createfont(), 12); string postfix = "0123456789"; @override public void onopendocument(pdfwriter writer, document document) { super.onopendocument(writer, document); dynamictemplate = writer.getdirectcontent().createtemplate(10, 20); } @override public void onendpage(pdfwriter writer, document document) { writer.getdirectcontent().addtemplate(dynamictemplate, 100, 300); } @override public void onclosedocument(pdfwriter writer, document document) { float widthpoint = font.getbasefont().getwidthpoint(postfix, font.getsize()); dynamictemplate.setwidth(widthpoint / 2.0f); columntext.showtextaligned(dynamictemplate, element.align_left, new phrase(string.valueof(writer.getpagenumber()) + "-" + postfix), 0, 1, 0); } });; document.add(new paragraph("page 1")); document.newpage(); document.add(new paragraph("page 2")); document.close(); }
the output:
considering set template width half width of postfix 0123456789
in onclosedocument
, expected.
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