android - Picasso placeholder image animation -

i trying load image imageview using picasso. code given below:

picasso.with(this)        .load(imageurl)        .placeholder(drawable1)        .error(drawable1)        .into(imageview) 

now here while picasso waiting download complete, imageview goes blank. prevent want fade out current image drawable , load image present in url. there way this?

i think picass has done you, placehoder drawable used shown when image being loaded, , error drawable shown when image load failed.

if want thing can use target following:

new target() {   @override public void onbitmaploaded(bitmap bitmap, picasso.loadedfrom from) {     imageview2.setimagebitmap(bitmap);    }     @override public void onbitmapfailed(drawable errordrawable) {     }     @override public void onprepareload(drawable placeholderdrawable) {     } } 


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