unit testing - Mock Beans from Spring Context -
i want create tests working spring context, mocked repository beans. i'm using spring boot 1.3.2.build-snapshot + junit + mockito.
here test config class:
@componentscan(basepackages = "myapp", excludefilters = @componentscan.filter(type = filtertype.assignable_type, value = { offerrepository.class } ) ) @configuration public class testedge2edgeconfiguration { @bean public offerrepository offerrepository() { return mock(offerrepository.class); } }
purpose of configuration exclude offerrepository spring context , mock it, thank i'll able write tests using spring context mocked database repository.
here test class:
@runwith(springjunit4classrunner.class) @springapplicationconfiguration(classes = {testedge2edgeconfiguration.class}) @webappconfiguration public class offeractionscontrollertest { @autowired private offerrepository offerrepository; @autowired private offeractionscontroller offeractionscontroller; @before public void setup(){ mockitoannotations.initmocks(this); } @test public void saveoffer() { //given bddmockito.given(offerrepository.save(any(offer.class))).willreturn(new offer()); //when responseentity<offer> save = offeractionscontroller.save(new offer()); //then org.springframework.util.assert.notnull(save); } }
test , test configuration directory is:
my application configuration , packages containing offerrepository directory is:
the problem spring boot not loading configuration testedge2edgeconfiguration.class , mock offerrepository never created.
can body me this, please?
this how should doing (assuming writing test offeractionscontroller , injecting offerrepository):
@mock private offerrepository offerrepository; @injectmocks private offeractionscontroller offeractionscontroller; @before public void setup(){ mockitoannotations.initmocks(this); }
you can write test method follows:
@test public void saveoffer() { /* given */ mockito.when(offerrepository.save(mockito.any(offer.class))).thenreturn(new offer()); //when responseentity<offer> save = offeractionscontroller.save(new offer()); //then org.springframework.util.assert.notnull(save); }
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