loop through simple json object -

how loop through json object each item value? know easy need undestand why there 2 brackets ([]) in first , end of json object.

[// i'm talking      [         {             "id": 2,             "title": "xxxxxxxxx",             "author": "mike123",             "postdate": "march 12, 2013 @ 6:46 pm",             "postdatecreation": "2013-03-12",             "posteditdate": null,             "postcontent": "eeeeee",             "userid": 34         }     ] ]// ,  

if remove them json still remain valid.

you can loop through json object using $.each loop. here fiddle:


here results array of array of object. i've passed object accessing index results[0] give array results[0][0] give object

code below:

var results=[     [         {             "id": 2,             "title": "xxxxxxxxx",             "author": "mike123",             "postdate": "march 12, 2013 @ 6:46 pm",             "postdatecreation": "2013-03-12",             "posteditdate": null,             "postcontent": "eeeeee",             "userid": 34         }     ] ]  $.each(results[0][0],function(key, value){   alert(value); }); 

$.each can used loop through array or objects follow below link more information:


hope helps. please correct me if i'm wrong.


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