Which index is used ? ORACLE DB SQL -
select * sometable column1='somevalue' , column2='someothervalue'
for above query if both column1 , column2 have index tables ix1 , ix2, index used above example? assume 'somevalue' , 'someothervalue' existing values in table , column1 , column2 have non unique values.
also how differ if , replaced or?
the index used 1 oracle optimizer believes best query. "best" in case means selective -- is, single condition matches fewest rows (estimated based on statistics on table).
for query, best index either sometable(column1, column2)
or somtable(column2, column1)
. equality conditions, either matches where
with or
situation tricker. think oracle can use both indexes query (check explain plan), more union
/union all
select * sometable column1 = 'somevalue' or selet * sometable column2 = 'someothervalue' , column1 > 'somevalue';
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