From C# to Excel - ConditionalFormat -
i have 2 cell created in c# by
worksheet.cell("a1"); worksheet.cell("b1");
i adding conditional format both of these cells below:
first case:
worksheet.cell("a1").addconditionalformat().iconset(xliconsetstyle.threetrafficlights2) .addvalue(xlcficonsetoperator.equalorgreaterthan, 0, xlcfcontenttype.number) .addvalue(xlcficonsetoperator.equalorgreaterthan, 20, xlcfcontenttype.number) .addvalue(xlcficonsetoperator.equalorgreaterthan, 40, xlcfcontenttype.number);
second case
worksheet.cell("b1").addconditionalformat().iconset(xliconsetstyle.threesigns) .addvalue(xlcficonsetoperator.equalorgreaterthan, 0, xlcfcontenttype.number) .addvalue(xlcficonsetoperator.equalorgreaterthan, 75, xlcfcontenttype.number) .addvalue(xlcficonsetoperator.equalorgreaterthan, 95, xlcfcontenttype.number);
the problem xlcficonsetoperator has properies equal , equalorgreaterthan.
it first case want "better" sign lower values e.g:
0-19 - green 20-39 - yellow 40 + - red
in second case want revert :
0-19 - red 20-39 - yellow 40 + - red
in above second case working without problem. how can solve in first case if there not less/equalorless property?
....addconditionalformat().iconset(xliconsetstyle.threetrafficlights2, true)....
the second parameter bool reverseiconorder
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