How do I add buttons that are dynamically created in pure python to a kivy layout that is Written in Kivy Language? -

my problem need create grid of buttons based on variable number of grid squares, , place them on grid layout , display them on screen using screen manager. know how in pure python using simple loop, wrote layout program in kivy language, , don't know how add buttons grid layout, because don't know how correctly reference them in kv file. relevant python code is:

def buildmap():     index = 0     index in range(0, numberofgridblocks):         mainmap.ids["map"].add_widget(button())         index = index + 1 buildmap()  

the relevant part of kv file is:

screenmanagement:     mainmenuscreen:     newgamemenuscreen:     joingamemenuscreen:     tutorialmenuscreen:     settingsmenuscreen:     mapscreen:  <menubutton>:     on_press: app.menubuttonpressed()     size_hint_y: .125     background_normal: "images/button.png"     background_down: "images/buttonpressed.png"  <button>:  <boxlayout>:     orientation: "vertical" <maplayout>:  <mapscreen>:     name: "mapscreen"     maplayout:         id: "map"         cols: 5 

i hope example makes clear you:


#:kivy 1.9.0 screenmanager:     mapscreen:  <mapscreen>:     name: 'map'      gridlayout:         id: grid         cols: 1

#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import app kivy.uix.screenmanager import screen kivy.uix.button import button kivy.clock import mainthread  number_of_buttons = 5   class mapscreen(screen):      @mainthread     def on_enter(self):         in xrange(number_of_buttons):             button = button(text="b_" + str(i))             self.ids.grid.add_widget(button)   class test(app):     pass   test().run() 

the @mainthead decorator needed delay function, kv file gets scanned first, making ids list viable.


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