jsf - <f:setPropertyActionListener> Parent is not of type ActionSource -

i pass value when click on table row:

<h:outputlink id="lnkhidden" value="datacenterprofile.html" style="text-decoration:none; color:white;">     <f:setpropertyactionlistener target="#{datacenterscontroller.selectedid}" value="#{item.componentstatsid}" /> </h:outputlink> 

i error:

<f:setpropertyactionlistener> parent not of type actionsource, type is: javax.faces.component.html.htmloutputlink@aa25b91

is there appropriate jsf tag can used replace <h:outputlink>?

the f:setpropertyactionlister works actionsource components h:commandlink , h:commandbutton. should use 1 of these if want way. see


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