.htaccess RewriteRule is not working -

rewriterule new/$ /search.php?category=1 rewriterule new/\?(.+)$ /search.php?category=1&$1 

i'm trying this, if following address link accessed,

http://onlineshop.com/new/ http://onlineshop.com/new/?price_max=30 

then open link,

http://onlineshop.com/new/search.php?category=1 http://onlineshop.com/new/search.php?category=1&price_max=30 

unfortunately not working way.

a rewriterule won't naturally catch query string parameters, must use kind of .htaccess :

rewritecond %{query_string} ^(.*)$ rewriterule ^new/$ /search.php?category=1&%1 


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