Excel - import data from an online xls file -

i trying data excel found online sheet on computer. have tried script post (excel - import data online xls file daily ), data in same sheet, instead of creating new sheet/having new workbook open whenever want run macro.

i have tried replacing line:

set wsnew = wbme.sheets.add(after:=wbme.sheets(w)) 

with: set wsnew = wbme.sheets("sheet9")

this way, tried have sheet9 updated, instead of opening new worksheet everytime run macro.

the full vba code used was:

sub openxlsfromurl() dim wbme workbook dim wsnew worksheet dim w integer dim wburl workbook dim url string  set wbme = thisworkbook url = "https://google.com/test.xls" set wburl = workbooks.open(url)  '## add code copy data workbook and/or manipulate data...' w = wbme.sheets.count  '## add new worksheet end of thisworkbook:' set wsnew = wbme.sheets(sheet9)  '## copy & paste data in our new worksheet:' wburl.sheets(1).cells.copy destination:=wsnew.range("a1")  '## close downloaded version no longer need:' wburl.close  end sub 


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