Jenkins "selective" matrix build [matrix-project-plugin] -
matrix plugin allows doing multi-dimensional builds based on user-defined or built-in axes. when trigger matrix build, jenkins starts build cartesian product builds. question: wonder there way trigger build single matrix entry or on wrong path?
some visualization:
axis 1 variables (branch) -> master branch1 branch2
axis 2 variables (app type) -> api web
axis 3 variables (deploy target) -> test stage live
in specific case jenkins comes 3-dimensional cube of jobs containing 3x2x3=18 builds in it, , when trigger build matrix project of them starts. want here is, should able select axis variable each axis (ie multiselect list), , based on selections jenkins should build corresponding items. instance;
axis 1 -> branch1
axis 2 -> api
axis 3 -> test stage
hence jenkins should execute 2 jobs.
you want matrix combination plugin prompt combinations want
this plugin allows user choose matrix combinations wants run, opposed default behaviour jenkins runs combinations: using:
after clicking build, user gets html table checkbox each matrix combination.
after clicking submit button, checked combinations run.
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