javascript - How to make table row clickable while using <display:table> &<display:column> -

<display:table class="table" name="regionlist" id="elem"         requesturi="./addcountry.html">         <display:column property="name" title="country" />         <display:column property="code" title="city" />         <display:column title="&nbsp;">             <a href="qqqq.html?id=<c:out value='${}' />">edit</a>         </display:column>     </display:table> 

how can make whole table row clickable link?

there 3 options here:

  1. wrap het div's within anchor (not best practice , don't think seo likes it)
  2. $(".parentdiv").click(function() { window.location = $(this).data("http:///"); });
  3. <div onclick="location.href='your-url-here';" style="cursor: pointer;"></div>


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