c# - Change routeconfig -

in routeconfig-file see :

routes.maproute(     name: "default",     url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",     defaults: new { controller = "home", action = "index", id = urlparameter.optional } ); 

which maps in controller

public person get(int id) {     return _personservice.getpersoonbyinsznumber("11111111111"); } 

now change maps following :

public person get(string insznumber) {     return _personservice.getpersoonbyinsznumber(insznumber); } 

how can this?

it can done using attrubute routing:

[route("persons/get/{id:int}")] public person get(int id) {     .... }  [route("persons/get/{insznumber}")] public person get(string insznumber) {     .... } 

just add appropriate attributes (here i'm supposing controller name personscontroller. in other case change appropriately) actions.

also make sure have line of code in registerroutes method before default route declaration:



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